When you reach out to receive a quote for something, regardless of what it is, it’s a moment that makes you hold your breath cause you have no idea what to expect. When it comes to shipping your car, boat, motorcycle or RV, we take quite a few things into consideration when we come to the price that we’ll charge. To put your nerves at ease, we’ve created a list with some of the most prominent things that we take into consideration and why we do so.


When it comes to shipping, it goes without saying that distance will be taken into consideration when calculating the price. The further the distance, the more expensive the shipping will cost. This also takes into consideration the location that the pickup and dropoff will take place at, and how difficult it will be to get to the location.


As with most things, the earlier that you prepare for your shipping, the more affordable they will be. If you procrastinate on scheduling your car shipping, then the price will likely go up just for convenience and the immediate actions that will need to be taken. The time of year that you need your vehicle shipped will also be taken into consideration because of the different amounts of time it will take to drive the distance as well as safety hazards.


Type of carrier and type of vehicle both get taken into consideration when coming up with a price. Different types of carriers offer different benefits. You may want a closed carrier for your auto transport to make sure it’s safe from weather and dust. We will also make note of the type of car you’re looking to ship as well as the condition. For cars that won’t run, it’s much more work to get the car in position and ready to be shipped.

Regardless of where, when and what you need shipped, Secure Auto Shipping can guarantee that we’ll provide you with a quote that has your best interest at hand. Call today and get a speedy quote on whichever car shipping services you’re in need of.